Friday, January 22, 2010

Club Solitaire Men's Diamond Ring

Hmm.. I never thought I'll be using Diamonds on me soon. I always thought maybe later when I'm a bit older. When it hits 30 yo and above? Hahahaa.. Knew The Club Solitaire for quite some time. It's been there and around. I can't deny they have some amazing pieces, but mostly for Ladies. It was a casual talk with the SA, asking if they have anything for Men. Well they show me some. Some of them are with Blue Sapphire and Rubies. Consider those a little old for me. Till they show me this.. Didn't really love it when I first saw it, but when I went home.. It got me thinking. =)

So well after a few weeks, I went back and asked if it's still available. Lucky me, it's still around and ready to be bought! =)

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