Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Patek Philipe Nautilus

Now this is something that's a little beyond reach for now!! Unless I get a lottery anytime soon? :) Well I can go on wishing about the lottery thing to happen, No I'm not gonna JINX it! Who knows I might really get a lottery!! Positive thinking is always bests! Hahahaa..

So well, Patek Philipe always have this classic elderly look, excluding the Nautilus series for sure. As much as its TDF!! The price as well is TDF!! Hahahaa.. Maybe one day, one really good day after the too many "one day".. It will be mine! May it be the Nautilus series or any other series from Patek Philipe. I'm gonna indulge for my very own Patek!

Now I can't sleep!! Damn!!

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