This would be 1 of the many things I can't live without. DEFINATELY!! I think I might be slightly of a GADGET freak. I like electronics that look sleek and yet surprise me with abundant features. I guess who wouldn't huh?? Hahaha..
The first time I notice Apple was through a Friend of mine. I was totally attracted to their Apple logo at the front part of the Computer which lights up when it's turned on. It's sleek, simple and just plainly nice! But well, since I'm not used to Apple programs.. It might be hard to get accustomed to it, as I'm a Windows user. =)
But that didn't stop me from getting 1.. Considering I can still use my PC at home, should I find any difficulties using the MacBook. Hahahaa.. While using and learning to explore the Apple Black MacBook, I learned that they are actually much more user friendly compared to Windows. Their short cut buttons and etc. Since then, I crave for more and more of Apple Products. And am always anxiously waiting for newer products. =p
I must say, it's my very time to upgrade to MacBook Pro!! I Love Apple!! =p
The Old
The New
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